I don’t have the reading for silverman please try to find it. Silverman, J. (201


I don’t have the reading for silverman please try to find it. Silverman, J. (201

I don’t have the reading for silverman please try to find it. Silverman, J. (2015). Social Media Rebellion. 333-371 in Terms of Service: Social Media and the Price of Constant Connection. New York, NY: Harper Perennial.
1. Using Silverman, in about 150 words, explain why doing a social media detox (or an entire internet detox) is difficult, but necessary and helpful.
What are three reasons Silverman shares for why it’s difficult to get off of the internet?
What are three reasons Silverman shares for why you NEED to get off of the internet–at least temporarily?
And, according to Silverman, what are three things you would GAIN from doing a social media detox?
Quote and properly reference.
2. Pick one of Turkle’s modalities of self: solitude or self-reflection, then answer the below prompts and questions in about 150 words.
Why is it necessary?
What are three ways you can cultivate it? Describe them.
Explain in some detail how cultivating this modality would look in your life right now, today. What is one thing you would do differently?
According to both Turkle and yourself, if this became a regular part of your life, how do you think this would change you?
Quote and properly reference.
3. Pick one of Turkle’s types of relationship: family, friendship, or romance, then answer below prompts and questions in about 150 words.
Why is it necessary to conduct this type of relationship through face-to-face conversation?
What are three problems that develop when this type of relationship is NOT conducted through face-to-face conversation?
Explain in some detail how integrating more face-to-face conversation in this type of relationship would look in your life right now, today. How would it feel?
According to both Turkle and yourself, if this became a regular part of your life, how do you think this would change you?
Quote and properly reference.
4. What is an interesting question on this topic to guide discussion in this week’s forum?
Silverman, J. (2015). Social Media Rebellion. 333-371 in Terms of Service: Social Media and the Price of Constant Connection. New York, NY: Harper Perennial.
Twenge, J. (2017). Chapter 6. Insulated but Not Intrinsic: More Safety and Less Community. iGen (pp. 143-177). New York, NY: Atria Books.
Turkle, S. (2015). Solitude, Self-Reflection, and choose ONE of Family, Friendships, & Romance. 59-207 in Reclaiming Conversation: The Power of Talk in a Digital Age. New York, NY: Penguin Press.


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