Hello, I will need help with the following assignments for Event planning and fu


Hello, I will need help with the following assignments for Event planning and fu

Hello, I will need help with the following assignments for Event planning and fundraising class.
1. Plan for Fundraising idea.
You must include your fundraising plan and a letter asking a volunteer for help in your fundraising efforts. Your fundraising plan must be detailed and include all the people you will be soliciting (including businesses and volunteers) for help. Your fundraiser needs to raise $10,000. Think BIG for this fundraiser…a car wash will not earn $10,000.
A detailed fundraising plan will include: 1. Full description of your fundraising event. (3pts)
2. How you plan on advertising your event. (3pts)
3. Who will you use as volunteers and if you will solicit any businesses for sponsorships/donations. (2pts)
4. How you plan on thanking your volunteers and donors. (2pts.)
5. You must also include a letter you would send out to a person on your volunteer list asking them for the help you are needing. The letter needs to be in a business letter format – see the attached sample (10pts). Word Document, Times New Roman, 12 point font
2. Powerpoint presentation
You will put together a PowerPoint Presentation that you will want to present to one of your potential sponsors/donors/boosters.
You will need to highlight how their support will help your fundraiser idea that you came up with. Treat this as if you were using this to go and get support from a potential sponsor/donor/booster to your program. (see example PowerPoint)
You are asking for a donation of at least $1,500.00
3. Thank you letter
Instructions: Write a thank you letter to a sponsor of your program. This person could have sponsored you once, or is a continuous sponsor of your program. You must thank them for what they did, and tell them how they impact your program.
Bussines letter format example:


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