Faith Integration Assignment Instructions Overview The Bible provides insights a


Faith Integration Assignment Instructions Overview The Bible provides insights a

Faith Integration Assignment Instructions Overview The Bible provides insights and guidance for individuals interested in developing higher moral standards in business. It is rich with money management and accounting concepts that can be inferred directly or indirectly. In fact, many of the theories and principles of business finance are (often without the user knowing so) grounded in biblical stories and/or lessons. For example, the concepts of accounting and finance management can be traced back to the time of creation. Adam and Eve were assigned the responsibility of overseeing the Garden of Eden (Gen. 1:28) and Noah was tasked with building the ark, a structure whose magnitude never before been witnessed (Gen. 6). Even the Egyptian monuments such as the pyramids at the time of the Exodus are a reflection of the practices of managing resources. Accounting and finance are applied to many aspects of human life. Today, these concepts are well-developed fields of study with a variety of techniques and mechanisms to achieve their purposes. Indeed, whether you realized it or not, much of what you learned in this class has biblical foundations and/or connections. Instructions Complete an essay describing how the Bible is related to the topics covered in the course. The essay must include a clear integration of the Bible in relation to a course topic. • Assignment length: At least 500 words (excluding title page and references) in current APA format. • Number of citations: At least 2 (in addition to the Bible). You may use the course textbook as one of your sources. Remember: any article/source listed in your references must be cited at least once in your paper. • The Bible may be used as often as you would like, but it only counts as the required use of the Bible – not one of the additional scholarly/professional sources. • Accepted sources: Books or other scholarly/professional sources. Remember, Investopedia, Wikipedia, websites, periodicals (e.g., newspaper, magazine, newsletters), and blogs are not scholarly/professional sources. You can use these in your paper (if properly cited), but they do not count towards the required number of citations.


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