Create an 8- to 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation in which you explai


Create an 8- to 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation in which you explai

Create an 8- to 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation in which you explain the importance of developing trust when working in a team environment. Use a real-life experience as the basis for the presentation. This could be a team you work with in your current position or a team you worked with in the past. Use the headings and guiding questions below:
Explain the purpose of the team: What were the goals or objectives the team was seeking to accomplish?
Describe the team structure: How many members were on the team? What were the roles and responsibilities of each member within the team?
Describe the team dynamics: Was there a team leader? What factors had an impact on team performance or attitudes?
Evaluation of Trust
Describe how trust was established within the team. Note: You may wish to first define trust to guide your description.
What factors empowered the team to work optimally? How are those factors related to trust?
What factors prohibited the team from working optimally? How were the issues resolved?
What were the outcomes of the resolution?
Did the team agree with the outcome(s)? If so, why were they in agreement? If not, why were they in disagreement?
Did the outcome(s) help influence change in the organization? Was the change positive or negative in your opinion? Explain your response.
Include detailed speaker notes.
Cite at least 5 scholarly references in your presentation.
Format your presentation according to APA guidelines.


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