Choose one of the offender interviews and imagine the offender as your client. h


Choose one of the offender interviews and imagine the offender as your client. h

Choose one of the offender interviews and imagine the offender as your client. ~ Anthony B ~ Anthony J ~ Zachary W Consider what you learned through your Week 3 assignment and apply those skills in the 4 parts below. Part 1: Client Analysis Write a brief 175- to 350-word description of this client and your strategy for interviewing the client. Part 2: Interview Questions Write a list of 16 to 24 questions and statements you would use when working with the offender you chose as your client. Part 3: Facilitation Skills Summary Write a brief 175- to 350-word summary of how you would use these questions and statements to facilitate your sessions with your ”client.” Respond to the following: What is the facilitation skill? How would you use this skill? Part 4: Facilitation Skills Session Transcript Choose 2 to 3 facilitation skills from your facilitation skills summary in Part 3. Write a 350- to 525-word transcript of a fictional session with your client in which you demonstrate each skill. Use the “New Comment” button under the Review tab in Microsoft Word® to note when you are using each skill and what the skill entails.


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