1. Read 1) Tera W. Hunter, “Reconstruction and the Meaning of Freedom,” Part III


1. Read 1) Tera W. Hunter, “Reconstruction and the Meaning of Freedom,” Part III

1. Read 1) Tera W. Hunter, “Reconstruction and the Meaning of Freedom,” Part III, Women’s America, pp. 245-255. 2) Glenda Gilmore, “Forging Interracial Links in the Jim Crow South,” Part III, Women’s America, pp. 264-273. 3) Ida B. Wells, “Southern Horrors,” Part III, Women’s America, pp. 274-279. Watch Ida G. Wells, A Chicago Stories Special (2021) from PBS: https://www.pbs.org/video/ida-b-wells-a-chicago-stories-special-hsbazb/ Write a 50 to 100-word answer to each question below. Write in complete sentences. Your answer must exhibit polish (correct spelling and grammar) and at least one direct citation or paraphrase from this week’s reading. III. Questions: In what ways did African American women, including Anna Julia Cooper, Charlotte Hawkins Brown, and Ida B. Wells, engage in political life after the Civil War without voting rights? Discuss their participation, achievements, and challenges in shaping American political landscapes during this transformative era.


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