This project is designed for you to apply what you have learned throughout the f


This project is designed for you to apply what you have learned throughout the f

This project is designed for you to apply what you have learned throughout the first half of the course and to also demonstrate creativity. You may submit the final project designs as a series of documents, as a PowerPoint slideshow, or through another electronic method approved by the Instructor. Included should be: 1. Detailed indoor floor plans for: An area for large motor activities for infants An area for large motor activities for toddlers, including big body play An area for large motor activities for preschoolers Areas for fine motor activities, including sensory experiences. Three individual areas may be included to represent an infant room, a toddler room, and a preschooler room, or one cleverly designed area for accommodating all three age levels can be designed to represent a family daycare program. 2. A written description should accompany each floor plan to explain in detail: How the area would be used Why it was designed in that particular way Furniture, equipment, and important supplies which would be included All area designs must be original. Please do not use designs taken directly from the Internet. However, sketches, pictures, and photographs of equipment and materials that could help describe your activity areas may be included.


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