Textbook: https://ebooksbrand.com/wp-content/uploads/woocomm… Purpose: As ment


Textbook: https://ebooksbrand.com/wp-content/uploads/woocomm…
Purpose: As ment

Textbook: https://ebooksbrand.com/wp-content/uploads/woocomm…
Purpose: As mentioned before active learning activities are your opportunity to practice and apply the concepts discussed in your reading to class discussions. These action assignments will help you deepen your learning and help you become active, reflective, responsible, and successful learners.
Activity Overview: We learned this week that developmental theories help us to predict how children will behave in the future. Many of these theories take on different perspectives that offer approaches to understanding development. We also learned how modern applications of these theories have been useful in a variety of contexts. For example, behavioral therapies based on classical conditioning have been used to treat phobias and modify behavior. Furthermore, contemporary modifications of Vygotsky’s theory have encouraged teachers to collaborate with their students through reciprocal teaching and incorporate cooperative learning exercises and scaffolding to continually advance their learning.
This week you will practice a modern application of operant conditioning. In this activity you will determine if reinforcement is a useful technique in modifying behavior, as Skinner suggested. PLEASE NOTE: As mentioned in the weekly overview, you may have to get started on this activity earlier in the week, because you will need to track your reading over at least 48 hours. While this week’s activity suggest that you keep track of the number of pages you read during a week, you may modify this task to ensure you are to submit it on time. For example, you can track how many pages you read in 24 hours without reinforcement and then how many you read in 24 hours with a reinforcement. More detailed instructions can be found in the textbook. Assignment: Step 1 – Complete the following tasks: The first part of this assignment will be to complete the active learning activity in your course textbook. This assignment’s active learning activity is called “Reward Yourself” To locate this activity in your textbook, please search for the title provided in Ch.2. See the textbook for full instructions. ATTENTION: This week’s active learning reflection will be slightly different, because you will be taking a small break from writing in your discussion post. Instead of responding with words, we will be providing visual representations. Hopefully those who enjoy learning through visually appealing materials (i.e., our visual learners), will enjoy this opportunity! Similar to words, images help us learn, images grab attention, images help tell a story, images can explain tough concepts and inspire. After you complete the active learning activity, on your own briefly summarize your experience and the amount of reading you completed with and without your reinforcement program. Be sure to also include the reward you chose for yourself. (Important) Next, think about the following discussion questions: Based on your observations and the information you learned this week, 1) How can operant conditioning be used to shape behavior in the lives of children and adolescents? 2) In which contexts do you think this theory is most useful and why? 3) To what degree do you think reinforcers may be beneficial? Be specific! (450 words total)
2. (Very Important!) Using visual content, share one main takeaway from this week’s active learning reflection. For example, share a main point or key message to be learned from completing this week’s activity or discussion questions.
Common forms of visual content include pictures, diagrams, charts, infographics, online videos, screenshots, and memes.
This is your choice. You can be creative. As long as your visual content is related to this week’s topic, you will receive full credit. Please note any pictures used must be appropriate for an academic setting.


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