Overview You are a business analyst for an organization that distributes pizza i


You are a business analyst for an organization that distributes pizza i

You are a business analyst for an organization that distributes pizza ingredients to various restaurants. These ingredients include dough, sauces, and toppings. Your organization wants to expand its customer base but does not know what kind of restaurant or which U.S. region to target. You have been given a Clean Customer Sales Data Set that is a representative sample of the sales at your customers’ restaurants for 2015 and 2016. This also contains household income data for the restaurant zip codes.
You must analyze this data to help inform marketing decisions. To begin your analysis, you must be able to answer your stakeholders’ questions through your analysis and visualizations of the given data. You will use MS Excel to complete these tasks.
In Module One, you identified some stakeholder requirements and performed data wrangling to clean, transform, and merge the two data sets. In this assignment, you will use the cleaned customer sales data to begin your analysis by performing statistical tests to further identify the trends and patterns in the given data. These tests will produce accurate results that will help organizations forecast and plan better and test theories and strategies.
Analyze the given data and create a report summarizing the trends and patterns in the data set. You may refer to the Trends and Patterns Report Process Document for this activity. You must include the relevant screenshots in your report.
Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:
Statistical Techniques and Tests: Conduct exploratory data analysis, generate histograms, perform requisite diagnostics, and apply statistical tests.Generate frequency tables and histograms for the variables (column attributes).
Calculate the chi-square statistic (x2).
Determine the correlations between the variables.
Perform t-tests.
Trends and Patterns: Select and apply appropriate statistical tests to answer the following questions about the trends and patterns in the data:Which categories of restaurants represent the largest and smallest share of the overall total? Are they concentrated in any U.S. state?
Does the data indicate a particular day of the week or month of the year that sees more (or fewer) orders?
Which zip codes appear to be more or less likely to be profitable?
Rationale: Justify your choice of statistical tests for each of the above analyses.How are the different statistical techniques appropriate for the different types of data contained in this data set?
What to Submit
Submit a 3- to 4-page Word document using double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins.


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