Overview:In this assignment, you will apply the work of a well-known nurse carin


Overview:In this assignment, you will apply the work of a well-known nurse carin

Overview:In this assignment, you will apply the work of a well-known nurse caring theorist to an actual case story from your own nursing experience.
InstructionsThis is an APA formatted paper of 2-3 pages. Do not go over 3 pages (excluding title page and reference page). There is no title placed on the first page of the body of the paper. Use only level one headings and no abstract. Level one headings are in bold font, centered and contain 2-3 words. First paragraph: In 3-4 sentences concisely tell the story of a patient encounter in which you believe nurse caring was present, OR one in which you believe nurse caring was not present. (You are only to do caring or uncaring, not both.) It would be best to repeat a story from your own experience, but this not necessary. You can relay a story you know from some another nurse’s experience; or an encounter you witnessed between another nurse and patient. Do not use real names.
Second paragraph: Using Halldrsdottier & Hamrin (1997) and depending on the scenario you described, identify, and define the three components in the “essential structure of a caring encounter,” OR the three components in the “essential structure of an UNcaring encounter.”
Third paragraph: Identify in your own case story when and how each of these three components are seen or evidenced. If they (or any one of them) are not seen or evidenced, discuss that as well. Cite and reference. Fourth paragraph: Conclude in a brief (2-3 sentences) wrap up of your paper. As such, no new information will be in this area, so no cited data would be used. You must include:At least one reference from the Weekly Learning Resources.
At least one outside, peer-reviewed scholarly source, < 3 yr. old that supports your content. This assignment will be graded using the Rubric associated with this type of assignment found here: 1.2 Caring and Uncaring Encounters in Nursing [Articles]Halldórsdóttir, S., & Hamrin, E. (1997). Caring and uncaring encounters within nursing and health care from the cancer patient's perspective. Cancer Nursing, 20(2), 120-128. Caring and uncaring encounters within nursing and health care from the cancer patient's perspective (uic.edu)This article is old but is foundational to the explanation of caring and uncaring encounters. Review it especially for help with this week's assignments. Cheruiyot, J. C., & Brysiewicz, P. (2019). Nurses’ perceptions of caring and uncaring nursing encounters in inpatient rehabilitation settings in South Africa: A qualitative descriptive study. International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences, 11, 100160. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijans.2019.100160


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