Identifying Risk Factors and Solutions Start Assignment Due Wednesday by 11:59p


Identifying Risk Factors and Solutions
Start Assignment
Due Wednesday by 11:59p

Identifying Risk Factors and Solutions Start Assignment
Due Wednesday by 11:59pm
Points 19
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File Types doc, docx, and pdf
Available until Mar 13 at 11:59pm
This assignment builds on the research that you did on Human Health and Physiology. For this assignment, you will be focusing on one of the health conditions that you identified in your role as a medical specialist. Select the one that you think is of greatest concern for your community (View Park, Rosemead, Florence-Graham, West Whittier, Boyle Heights).
Assignment Requirements
Part 1: Identifying Social and Environmental Risk Factors
What is the community and the health condition that you will be focusing on for this project?Note: The health condition should align with the health profession that you chose in the Human Health and Physiology assignment.
Identify all of the social and environmental risk factors from the list below that you believe are relevant to your health condition. You should have at least two for full credit (some conditions may require more than two). Then, explain how each risk factor is relevant to your health condition, including at least one in-text citation for each risk factor and a properly formatted reference list at the end.
Supermarket access – % of people in urban areas who live within a half-mile of a supermarket/large grocery store
Alcohol availability – % of people who live within ¼ mile of a store that sells alcohol
Binge drinking – % of adults who drank 5 or more alcoholic drinks (men) or 4 or more alcoholic drinks (women) at least once within the past month
Current smoker – % of adults who currently smoke
Clean air – diesel PM (kg/day) – average daily amount of particulate pollution (very small particles) from diesel sources
Clean air – PM 2.5 (µg/m³) – yearly average of fine particulate matter concentration (very small particles from vehicle tailpipes, tires and brakes, power plants, factories, burning wood, construction dust, and many other sources)
Tree canopy – % of land with tree canopy (weighted by the number of people per acre)
Park acres – # of park acres per 1,000 residents
Park access – % of the population who live within a half-mile of a park, beach, or open space greater than 1 acre
Mental health – % of adults who felt their mental health was not good during 2 or more weeks of the previous month.
No leisure time physical activity – % of people who do not exercise or participate in physical activities (outside of their regular job)
Using your answer to #2, you are now going to analyze data showing the prevalence of these risk factors in several communities. Which risk factors are of the highest concern in your community compared to other communities? Explain using the data.
Please note the units for each factor in the table below! Refer to the full descriptions above for more information about each risk factor and what measure is reported.View ParkRosemeadFlorence-GrahamWest WhittierBoyle HeightsLos Angeles County
Supermarket access (%)3.970.894.851.363.361.9
Alcohol availability (%)70.737.43.6553.21.1738.1
Binge drinking (%)13.212171816.817.2
Current smoker (%)8.6514.218.311.41613
Clean air – diesel PM (kg/day)0.0750.3390.2040.3390.5850.274
Clean air – PM 2.5 (µg/m³)11.911.912.112.112.311.7
Tree canopy (%)7.865.943.885.124.965.49
Access to parks (acres/1000 residents)0.00860.0020.00110.000670.000610.031
Park access (%)77.483.886.471.48074.4
Mental Health (%)10.312.318.912.917.213.6
No leisure time physical activity (%)17.228.733.224.332.122.6
Data obtained from the California Healthy Places IndexLinks to an external site.
Part 2: Proposing A Solution
Preview the websites of the organizations and programs in the list below. Based on your health condition and the risk factors you identified in Part 1, which one of these could most improve health outcomes in your focal community? Select only one organization/program.Los Angeles Play Streets ProgramLinks to an external site.
Mobile Recreation ProgramLinks to an external site.
Tree PeopleLinks to an external site.
San Gabriel Mountain TrailbuildersLinks to an external site.
Los Angeles Neighborhood Land TrustLinks to an external site.
Gangsta GardeningLinks to an external site.
Explain the community-focused solution being implemented by this organization or program. How does the organization/program address the risk factor(s) that you identified in Part 1 Question 3 in your focal community? You will be focusing on this risk factor for the duration of the Community Health Project.
How would this solution address the identified risk factor and decrease the prevalence of the health condition? To effectively advocate for this solution, you will need to research the physiological connection between the risk factor and your health condition.Explain what is known about how this risk factor contributes to the development of the health condition (see example below).
Use at least two reputable sources in your explanation. Be sure to include in-text citations and a full reference list at the end for full credit.
Example: Planting trees provide more shade and limit exposure to UV radiation (Parisi & Turnbull, 2014). UV radiation is a risk factor for skin cancer (ACS, 2019). UV radiation directly damages DNA and causes mutations to p53 tumor suppressor genes. When p53 genes are mutated, they can no longer repair DNA, leading to the further accumulation of mutations. This accumulation of mutations can lead to uncontrolled cell division and ultimately cause skin cancer (Narayanan et al., 2010).
Submission Guidelines
Upload your answers for Part 1 and Part 2 of this assignment as a Word document or as a pdf. Please clearly number your answers.
To see how this assignment will be graded, click on the three dots in the upper right corner of this page, then click “Show Rubric”. If you’re reviewing this assignment using the Canvas mobile app, the rubric is included in the Grade tab.
While I am not specifically grading you on your spelling or grammar, scientific communication is an important skill. Please proofread and spellcheck before posting/submitting to ensure that your ideas come across clearly. Up to 10% may be deducted for excessive grammar and spelling errors that affect the readability of your work.


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