Efforts to reduce intergroup violence may, in actuality, have the unintended con


Efforts to reduce intergroup violence may, in actuality, have the unintended con

Efforts to reduce intergroup violence may, in actuality, have the unintended consequence of exacerbating violence. Shortly after becoming president, Barack Obama issued an executive order (a presidential directive) to close the detention facilities at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. In doing so, the president cited “national security” and “foreign policy interests” as chief reasons for his decision. President Obama’s executive order remains a point of consternation for many Americans; in fact, the topic emerged as a prominent policy issue in the 2016 presidential race. Using The General Aggression Model, examine both sides of this important policy argument. How might closing the detention facility ameliorate tensions and, on the other hand, how might doing so further promote intergroup violence? Similarly, how might maintaining the detention facility increase violence and, on the other hand, reduce violence? Finally, using evidence from this week’s readings (and any independent research you choose to incorporate), what course of action do you believe to be most prudent to preventing or reducing violence?


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