Debunking the flat Earth theory An outline is an effective way to organize your


Debunking the flat Earth theory
An outline is an effective way to organize your

Debunking the flat Earth theory
An outline is an effective way to organize your thoughts, to get an idea of where your paper is headed, to make sure you maintain focus, to get a sense of the overall scope of your paper, and can function as a placeholder for evidence.
Use the lecture notes, the example from class, and the sample papers we looked (their outlines are at the beginning of the papers) to draft an outline. Your outline is a working outline, meaning it will change as you continue to conduct research and finalize the direction of your paper. Though your outline may change as you move forward, there are some things that your outline should include:
1. Your thesis statement should be included, and should serve to anchor the rest of the outline.
2. Use Roman numerals (I, II, III, IV, etc.) to indicate Major Points that you will be presenting in your paper. These should include support for your thesis AND alternative viewpoints you may be considering.
3. Use capital letters (A, B, C, D, etc.) to list Supporting Evidence for each Major Point.
4. Use numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, etc.) and lower-case letters (a, b, c, d, etc.) to list Minor Details that you want to include as part of your evidence.
*Keep in mind the rule of three: One piece of evidence could be opinion, two could be coincidence, three is likely to lead to a person of interest.*
This assignment should be should be uploaded as a Microsoft Word or pdf document.


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