Compose a rhetorical analysis between 750 to 1250 words that analyzes the effect


Compose a rhetorical analysis between 750 to 1250 words that analyzes the effect

Compose a rhetorical analysis between 750 to 1250 words that analyzes the effectiveness of the rhetoric in one the video essay compositions in the “Viewings” folder in Canvas. Be sure to identify the composer, establish the rhetorical situation of the composition, identify the rhetorical appeals made by the composer, explain how each appeal is being made with examples, and analyze why these appeals would or would not be effective for the intended audience.Consider the following before composing your assignment:
What is the rhetorical situation (audience, exigence, purpose, genre, medium, & modalities) of the composition?
What specific appeals, if any, does the writer make to ethos, logos, and pathos?
How does the author engage with the different modalities?
What evidence from the composition demonstrates the appeals that have been identified?
Do the writer’s appeals contain any logical fallacies?
Would the appeals be effective for the author’s intended audience? Why or why not?
How do any omitted appeals affect the composition’s rhetoric?
Is the argument being presented at the most kairotic moment?
Is the composition rhetorically effective in helping the writer achieve their purpose?
Hook the Reader
Establish the Rhetorical Situation
State the Thesis
First Body Paragraph
Summarize the Composition
Second Body Paragraph
State the Ethos Appeal Identified in the Verbal Mode
Explain How the Author is Making the Appeal
Provide a Specific Example that Demonstrates the Explanation
Explain How the Example Demonstrates the Appeal
Analyze How the Use of this Appeal Would Affect the Audience
Link the Appeal to the Thesis
Third Body Paragraph
State the Ethos Appeal Identified in the Visual, Auditory, or Gestural Mode
Explain How the Author is Making the Appeal
Provide a Specific Example that Demonstrates the Explanation
Explain How the Example Demonstrates the Appeal
Analyze How the Use of this Appeal Would Affect the Audience
Link the Appeal to the Thesis
Fourth Body Paragraph
State the Pathos Appeal Identified in the Verbal Mode
Explain How the Author is Making the Appeal
Provide a Specific Example that Demonstrates the Explanation
Explain How the Example Demonstrates the Appeal
Analyze How the Use of this Appeal Would Affect the Audience
Link the Appeal to the Thesis
Fifth Body Paragraph
State the Pathos Appeal Identified in the Visual, Auditory, or Gestural Mode
Explain How the Author is Making the Appeal
Provide a Specific Example that Demonstrates the Explanation
Explain How the Example Demonstrates the Appeal
Analyze How the Use of this Appeal Would Affect the Audience
Link the Appeal to the Thesis
Sixth Body Paragraph
State the Logos Appeal Identified in the Verbal Mode
Explain How the Author is Making the Appeal
Provide a Specific Example that Demonstrates the Explanation
Explain How the Example Demonstrates the Appeal
Analyze How the Use of this Appeal Would Affect the Audience
Link the Appeal to the Thesis
Seventh Body Paragraph
State the Logos Appeal Identified in the Visual, Auditory, or Gestural Mode
Explain How the Author is Making the Appeal
Provide a Specific Example that Demonstrates the Explanation
Explain How the Example Demonstrates the Appeal
Analyze How the Use of this Appeal Would Affect the Audience
Link the Appeal to the Thesis
Eighth Body Paragraph
State the First Potential Logical Fallacy Identified
Explain How the Author is Making the Fallacy
Provide a Specific Example that Demonstrates the Explanation
Explain How the Example Demonstrates the Fallacy
Analyze How the Use of this Fallacy Would Affect the Soundness of the Rhetoric
Link the Appeal to the Thesis
Ninth Body Paragraph
State the Second Potential Logical Fallacy Identified
Explain How the Author is Making the Fallacy
Provide a Specific Example that Demonstrates the Explanation
Explain How the Example Demonstrates the Fallacy
Analyze How the Use of this Fallacy Would Affect the Soundness of the Rhetoric
Link the Appeal to the Thesis
Restate the Thesis
Summarize the Major Claim
Make a Call to Action
Criteria for Success:
This task will be graded out of 50 points. Submit as .doc or .docx file format.
Content (50%) – Essay utilizes Standard American English and the third person POV to directly respond to the assigned prompt within the allotted word count (excluding headers, footers, headings, and a references page).
Organization (20%) – Essay follows the ‘s organizational structure to create a logical sense of flow within paragraphs and between sections and concepts. The analysis introduction should establish the rhetorical situation and present the thesis. The first body paragraph should briefly summarize the composition. The second through seventh body paragraphs should identify and analyze the presence or absence of ethos, logos, or pathos in the composition. The eighth and ninth body paragraphs should identify and analyze the presence, potential presence, or absence of logical fallacies. The conclusion should restate the thesis, summarize the major points of the analysis, and make a call to action for the reader. Thesis (10%) – Essay contains a clear, focused thesis statement at the close of the introduction. It should be based on the template, “Ultimately, the rhetorical choices made by [name of composer] in [name of composition] should/should not be effective in convincing the intended audience that [author’s purpose] due to…”
Grammar & Mechanics (10%) – Essay contains five or fewer total grammatical and mechanical errors
Spelling (5%) – Essay contains three or fewer total misspelled terms
Formatting (5%) – Essay is formatted according to MLA 9th edition guidelines


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