The Journey Messenger is underperforming and needs a rebrand. Buhi wants to begi


The Journey Messenger is underperforming and needs a rebrand. Buhi wants to begi

The Journey Messenger is underperforming and needs a rebrand. Buhi wants to begin by determining which three market segments are most likely to purchase the Journey Messenger. This will enable future research on those segments, including discovering their unmet needs. In turn, that research will determine the best market segment to target.
Respond to coworkers’ questions
Select market segments
Check the Guides in the help menu in the top right of your screen for additional information about the tasks you’ll complete this round.
See the Resources in the bottom right of your screen to access relevant material for task completion.
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Instructions: Select the best responses to coworkers’ questions.
Market Segments
Complete the following steps to select market segments.
1 Analyze Internal and External Data Download and analyze the “Buhi Sales Data” and “Revenue Breakdown by Market Segment” sheets provided in the files below, identifying key information to inform your market segment selections.
2 Review the Product Information Review the product information provided for the Journey Messenger, using it to help identify to which market segments the bag may appeal. You can revisit this information via the Inbox and Resources.
3 Select Market Segments Select the three market segments most likely to purchase the Journey Messenger based on the data provided in the table below. Click on a segment’s row to select it.
Files attached down below :
Click on the market segment you would like to select. To deselect, simply click on the already selected market segment.
Select Three Market Segments from down below :


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