Introduction: “One way that individual racism persists, even in a society that d


“One way that individual racism persists, even in a society that d

“One way that individual racism persists, even in a society that decries racism, is through racial microaggressions– daily, commonplace insults and racial slights that cumulatively affect the psychological well-being of people of color. The consequences if these microaggressions can be severe, and studies of African Americas, Latinx people, and Asians have uncovered the continued prevalence of microaggressions” (Golash-Boza, pg. 101).
“Your name is hard to pronounce.”
“You speak English surprisingly well.”
“You’ve done so well despite your background.”
If you’ve ever heard statements similar to these, in reference to a person of color, then you may have likely witnessed (or experienced) a microaggression. In fact, despite your own racial or ethnic it is highly UNlikely that you have not witnessed a microaggression.
Discuss the following questions 1-3, in rich detail
Describe a microaggression you witnessed or experienced. Some students have very little experience recognizing when this is happening so for this discussion board, I will allow you to describe microaggressions viewed in shows, movies or even song lyrics.
Who was the recipient of this microaggression and how did they handle it?
How did you handle witnessing this interaction? What feelings were stirred up. What did you say (if anything) or think?


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