Assessment Type: Assignments 1 Semester: 452 Assignment 1 Instructions: • Stude


Assessment Type: Assignments 1 Semester: 452
Assignment 1 Instructions:
• Stude

Assessment Type: Assignments 1 Semester: 452
Assignment 1 Instructions:
• Students are requested to comply with all JUC examination rules and regulations strictly.
• You must work individually.
• Write the title of the Assignment number and your ID as the name of the file.
• The Assignment should have a cover page with the student’s name and ID. Reports submitted without this information will simply be discarded.
• You can refer to the textbook of this cource and it is highly recommended to refer to other academic and credible references.
• All sources of information (references) needs to be cited properly within the report (in-text) as well as be listed at the end of the report correctly.
• The work should be your own, copying from students or other resources will result in ZERO marks. Check its percentage at SafeAssign while submission (maximum of 20% is tolerated).
• This Assignment must be submitted ONLY on Blackboard.
• Email submission will not be accepted.
• Answer ALL Questions to the best comprehensive responses. Each answer is expected not less than 1 single-space page.
• You are advised to make your work clear and well-presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation.
• Late submission will result in LOSING marks.
• Use Times New Roman font and 12 size for all your answers.
Assignment 1 Questions: (5 marks)
Question One:
Why is it important to understand tradeoffs between usability measures for various kinds of systems? Explain by describing usability motivations for Industrial systems and Life Critical systems.
Question Two:
Usability testing is a significant aspect for effective interface development. List and briefly describe any four methods of usability testing.
N.B. The question asks about methods of usability testing not tools used in usability testing (surveys are an example of tools).
Question Three:
Let’s suppose that you have in charge the task of developing interfaces for an interactive system (website, mobile application, etc.).
Sketch out the main steps that you would ultimately include in your design process.


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