Instructions: After viewing the CBS 60 minutes clip (scroll down to the end of t


After viewing the CBS 60 minutes clip (scroll down to the end of t

After viewing the CBS 60 minutes clip (scroll down to the end of the page) and reviewing the background information provided in CBS60Minutes.pdf, with the gracious permission of Professor Zheng-sheng Zhang, students have the option to collaborate in pairs (preferred) or work individually. Their task is to create a dialogue or monologue centered around the topic of ‘走线’ (walk the line).
Please read the op-ed on this issue that Professor Zheng-sheng Zhang penned to learn more about this issue. Develop a script first and then create a video recording of your dialogue or speech.
Upload the video to the Google drive folder, and the clean copy of your script in word or PDF to Canvas. Each student is required to submit the script individually on Canvas on or before March 4th.
Keep your audience in mind: after watching your presentations, the audience is expected to have a good understanding of the issue, specifically, What is “走线”?Who are they? How old are they? How did they arrive at the border? What did they do in China? Why did they decide to leave China? Who and what did they leave behind? What do they plan to do in the U.S.? Why did they choose “走线” to enter the U.S. illegally? Can they return to China if they cannot stay in the U.S.? Do they all speak English?
You can engage with international students from China, including your tutor or friends, and gain insights into their perspectives on individuals who have chosen to “走线”. This part is optional.
Length: MONOLOGUE, about 12-15 sentences, 100-120 characters (not words), DIALOGUE, about 25-30 sentences, 200-250 characters (not words).
You are expected to use the new words we have learned in L14 and L15The following patterns must be included and highlighted in your script. At least four must be usedAttributives similar to “送花儿的人” or “他买的花儿”
Duration of Action (我学了一年中文了)
Frequency of Action(上星期我给妈妈打了两次电话)
是。。。的 sentence
把 construction
You are encouraged to use AI to brainstorm ideas, search for vocabulary (such as visa, snake head, freedom, middle class, seeking political asylum, etc.), experiment with sentence structures, and obtain feedback on your first draft. I will be available to provide feedback on your draft too, but this step is not mandatory.
Grading (100%)
Script: 50%
30%: the topic is clearly explained and discussed.
20%: the required patterns and grammar points are included. See Requirementsabove. (just only need to do the writing part, i will do the reading part by my self )


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