Information: Socioemotional development, or processes involve changes in the ind


Information: Socioemotional development, or processes involve changes in the ind

Information: Socioemotional development, or processes involve changes in the individual’s
relationship with other people, changes in emotions, and changes in personality.
Directions: For this distinctive paper on socioemotional development, the student will select at least
one of the applicable stages of socioemotional development, as proposed by Erik Erikson, and write
about anything related to their personal development, during that stage/challenge. The student will
simply write about how they either developed the associated virtue, or how it was compromised
The student should only write about one of the challenges, or conflicts (as Erikson refers to them –
emotional conflicts, which must be reconciled) they have experienced, and only if it is applicable. Ex.:
If the student is 20, then they could not write about the socioemotional development challenge of
generativity vs. stagnation that occurs in middle adulthood, because they have not lived through that
stage yet, therefore is would be non-applicable.
NOTE: The emotional challenge/development of trust vs. mistrust occurs at every stage in the lifespan,
thus the development of trust or mistrust could be written about at any stage. Student will write about
themselves, and their human growth and development, respective of their socioemotional development
only. The focus of this paper is socioemotional development, and one of Erikson’s psychosocial
It is entirely possible that you may need to support your selected stage, with development of a
stage, or stages that occurred prior. The student’s paper must reflect that they fully understand the concept of socioemotional development and relative to their lifespan, and the stage they have selected. The paper(s) must include:
1. A title page (in APA format – see section below re: “APA Formatting”).
• See this link for a sample paper/title page. General Format – Purdue OWL® – Purdue
• Simply mimic the title page contained in the sample paper
• Title of this paper: Dash Self-Reflection Paper: Socioemotional Development
• Department of Psychology
• You should know the course name and number, and the rest that follows
2. No running head is required, or desired. Title page, with the next page being the paper.
3. One page (minimum) – two pages (maximum) in length, double-spaced and writing in paragraphs.
• Double-spaced pages
• Use paragraphs
• DO NOT submit single-spaced, and without paragraphs
4. Times New Roman, 12 pt. font with one-inch margins on each side.
• Please do not adjust the margins or font, to make the paper “appear” to be meet the length
requirements. I catch this, and if done, grading will occur in proportion to what the student
has submitted. Ex.: If you write half of the paper, grading occurs at half value for all criteria.
5. Submit/upload in Word or word-processing software format. NO PDFs.


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