Hello… I would like to get help with the following points regarding my researc


I would like to get help with the following points regarding my researc

I would like to get help with the following points regarding my research related to studying the impact of government and private credit on the agricultural sector in Saudi Arabia.
An Excel file has been attached that contains all the variables that I want to analyze the data, but I am facing some problems with some variables missing data for the variable (Water 1990,1991,2021,2022- Labor 2021,2022 (Saudi, Non-Saudi, Total Labor). Please take this into account when analyzing the data. I also note that it must be a program Rstudio data analysis.
Attached is a file explaining the symbols (Cell Symbol shortcuts in Excel) in the Excel file (Book).
I would also like to clarify that the symbols in Excel are abbreviated, and when the name begins with the letter (L) with a small letter, such as (lprobsr), it means that a logarithm has been created for it.
What I would like to get is:
1- Create logarithms for the variable (Pro.MT) and (water) in the same Excel file (Book).
2- Make all variables as numeric for use in Rstudio
3-Comment on the results of the descriptive statistical analysis for all variables
4-Test the existence of significant differences between the average government credit and private credit and comment on the results.
5- Conduct the Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test for all variables, and when the time series is unstable, conduct the Zivot-Andrews Test and comment on the results.
6- Conduct the Cobb-Douglas test for the variables without correcting the standard error and with correcting the standard error and comment on the results
7- Testing the consistency of returns to scale and commenting on the results.
8-I would also like you to do literature review for previous study entitled “Direct Government Financing in the Agricultural Sector in the Kingdom” and cite it in a separate Word file.
Attached is the sample file that I made. Please view it, modify it, and correct the results
You will also find in the attachments the codes that were used by me. I hope you will benefit from them and apply them when conducting tests.
If there is a question or inquiry, do not hesitate to ask.
Thank you for your cooperation.


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