1. Please watch these two videos to help you compose a reflection about today’s


1. Please watch these two videos to help you compose a reflection about today’s

1. Please watch these two videos to help you compose a reflection about today’s clinical activities.
What Do Psychiatric Nurses Do on an Inpatient Psychiatric Unit (youtube.com)
2. Please submit a word document ( 3-4 paragraphs) of your reflection
3. Please open the attachment regarding involuntary treatment and do the activity. (Attached below)
– Please watch all the 3 videos and answer the prompt and complete.
– Complete both the reflection and the activity regarding involuntary treatment in separate docs and both should be 3-4 paragraphs each (1-1.5 pages long)
– Please write in simple language
– NO PLAGIARISM should be found
– Let me know if you have any questions, thanks!


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