Components: 1-Data Collection: Select relevant data from your organization that


Components: 1-Data Collection: Select relevant data from your organization that

Components: 1-Data Collection: Select relevant data from your organization that can be effectively analyzed using descriptive statistical methods. This may include patient demographics, treatment outcomes, service utilization, or operational metrics. 2- Descriptive Analysis: Employ various descriptive statistical techniques to summarize and describe the features of your dataset. This should include measures of central tendency (mean, median, mode), measures of dispersion (range, variance, standard deviation), and the use of graphical representations (bar charts, histograms, pie charts). 3-Contextual Interpretation: Analyze the data in the context of healthcare administration. Your analysis should provide insights into operational efficiencies, patient care quality, or other relevant administrative aspects. 4- Ethical and Confidential Data Handling: Ensure that all data used is handled ethically and confidentially, respecting the privacy and security protocols pertinent to healthcare data. 5- Report Writing: Compile your findings into a comprehensive statistical report. The report should clearly present your data, the methods of analysis used, and your interpretations. The written part should not exceed 2000 words; excluding abstract, references, figures/ tables/ ..etc., and appendices. Use of peer-reviewed and other trusted references and sources is encouraged. The report should be written following a Professional Analytics Report structure. 6-Presentation: Prepare a presentation that summarizes your findings and interpretations. The presentation should be tailored to an audience with a varied understanding of statistical concepts. Evaluation Criteria: The project will be evaluated on the accuracy and thoroughness of the statistical analysis, the relevance and clarity of the data interpretation, the quality of the report, the effectiveness of the presentation, and your ability to search for, identify, and use relevant information related to the descriptive analytics that are NOT given as part of the class readings. (( ( Each team must prepare to present its project using Microsoft PowerPoint, and we expect that the required preparation and presentation will be in a highly professional manner that appropriates to the level of Executive students. Support your Presentation with visuals/ images/ etc. 20-30 minutes.)))


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