Summarize your knowledge and understanding of the chosen topics 5) Basics of Sto


Summarize your knowledge and understanding of the chosen topics
5) Basics of Sto

Summarize your knowledge and understanding of the chosen topics
5) Basics of Stock Valuation
▪ Compare and contrast stock price and intrinsic value
▪ Value constant growth and nonconstant growth stocks with discounted cash flow method
▪ Calculate the return stock investors expect to earn
▪ Evaluate whether a stock is fairly priced
(6) Basics of Risk and Return Analysis
▪ Calculate risk on stand-alone basis and in a portfolio context
▪ Explain the connection and the difference between stand-along risk and beta risk
▪ Calculate expected return and required return of individual financial assets and portfolio
▪ Explain the components and finding of capital asset pricing mod


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