Choose a topic. Each group will identify and select a category of invisible or h


Choose a topic. Each group will identify and select a category of invisible or h

Choose a topic. Each group will identify and select a category of invisible or hidden labor (i.e. unpaid care work, undocumented workers, child laborers, gig workers, prison labor). Your group should think about whether or not you will have access to someone with first-hand experience doing this type of labor and/or if you will be able to find other first-hand accounts. You should also consider how difficult it might be to find data on your topic before you select it.
Conduct research on your topic. You must find the following information:
What the working conditions are like
You will also need to either conduct an interview(s) or find first-hand account(s) from 2 individuals who have engaged in this category of labor. If you are conducting an interview, you will need to first ask your interviewee if they are comfortable with you using their responses in a classroom performance. Please tell them that you will keep their identity private. If they are not comfortable with you using their words, then please respect their wishes. If you are unable to find people to interview, you can instead look for first-hand testimonies, accounts, stories, biographies, or other information.


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