Pick any One Analytical Research Paper – Due, Sunday, May 5, 2024 by 11:59pm ES


Pick any One
Analytical Research Paper – Due, Sunday, May 5, 2024 by 11:59pm ES

Pick any One
Analytical Research Paper – Due, Sunday, May 5, 2024 by 11:59pm EST via Canvas ONLY
Your analytical research paper will incorporate the skills you have developed throughout this course, and will develop new skills in research. For this assignment, you will:
For your analytical research paper, you will analyze the problems and solutions of a current controversial topic listed below. You can go in-depth about an issue of social, political, or economic value. You will make an argument about your topic. This argument must be clearly stated in a working thesis statement. All body paragraphs must be focused and organized, clearly relating back to your thesis.
GUIDELINES: Since you are trying to convince your audience that your solution is the most sound, your essay should provide your readers with a brief history of the problem, acknowledgment of opposing solutions, and a clear and effective argument to support your solution. Your thesis must state that even though all the solutions may be helpful or plausible, your solution is definitely better than others by showing the superior quality of your solution. Your solution would possibly solve the problem more efficiently, more thoroughly, less expensively or with less risk.
Identify the problem: Early in your essay, you will need to clearly identify the problem you are addressing. This will require describing, and/or limiting the problem. Think about how much you need to say about the problem’s causes or history, how you show the seriousness of the problem, and/or how you emphasize this. Convince that the problem really exists and is worthy of their attention.
Discuss possible solutions: Announcing the solution is the thesis of the proposal. Once you have identified the problem, you will in turn need to discuss the possible solutions to the problem. You may discuss 3-4 alternate solutions and each should be believable and workable.
Argue that your solution is better than the others: Discussing the possible solutions should consist of examining the pros and cons of each, including your own. Be sure to address any concerns that your readers may have about your suggested solution.
Analytical Research Paper Prompts
Prompt #1: Although the number of homeless people in the United States is difficult to measure accurately, homelessness has become a highly visible issue in the past two decades. First, discuss the effects that homelessness is having at the local, state, or national level. Then, offer practical solutions that can minimize the effects that you identify. Include secondary evidence to support your analysis ONLY from ALL the sources provided below:
Solving Homelessness from a Complex Systems Perspective- Insights for Prevention Responses.pdf
Download Solving Homelessness from a Complex Systems Perspective- Insights for Prevention Responses.pdf
How 100 Communities Are Solving Homelessness—And What We Can Learn From Their Success.pdf
Download How 100 Communities Are Solving Homelessness—And What We Can Learn From Their Success.pdf
Homelessness and Public Health- A Focus on Strategies and Solutions.pdf
Download Homelessness and Public Health- A Focus on Strategies and Solutions.pdf
How to Solve Homelessness Government and Philanthropy Unlocking Private Capital.pdf
Download How to Solve Homelessness Government and Philanthropy Unlocking Private Capital.pdf
How to Address Homelessness- Reflections from Research.pdf
Download How to Address Homelessness- Reflections from Research.pdf
Prompt #2: Guns are often viewed as a symbol for what is perceived by many as an evolving culture of violence and indifference. First discuss the causes, effects, or both of increased gun violence among children in the United States. Then, offer practical solutions that can minimize the effects that you identify. Include secondary evidence to support your analysis. ONLY from ALL the sources provided below:
Download Effects-of-Firearm-Violence-on-Children.pdf
Firearm violence against children in the United States- Trends in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.pdf
Download Firearm violence against children in the United States- Trends in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.pdf
Preventing Firearm Violence in Youth Through Evidence-Informed Strategies.pdf
Download Preventing Firearm Violence in Youth Through Evidence-Informed Strategies.pdf
The Public Health Approach to Gun Violence Prevention.pdf
Download The Public Health Approach to Gun Violence Prevention.pdf
Download understanding-the-impact-of-seeing-gun-violence-and-hearing-gunshots-in-public-places-findings-from-the-youth-firearm-risk-and-safety-study.pdf
Prompt #3: According to Deborah Tannen, who has has written and edited several scholarly books on the problems of communicating across cultural, class, and gender, “the communication problems that endanger marriage can’t be fixed by mechanical engineering. They require a new conceptual framework about the role of talk in human relationships. Many of the psychological explanations that have become second nature may not be helpful, because they tend to blame either women (for not being assertive enough) or men (for not being in touch with their feelings)”. What practical solutions would you propose to resolve the communication issues that men and women experience in their relationships, in the workplace, or within society as a whole? Include secondary evidence to support your analysis ONLY from ALL the sources provided below:
Communication Styles Increasing Awareness Between Genders in the.pdf
Download Communication Styles Increasing Awareness Between Genders in the.pdf
Competence‑Questioning Communication and Gender- Exploring Mansplaining, Ignoring, and Interruption Behaviors.pdf
Download Competence‑Questioning Communication and Gender- Exploring Mansplaining, Ignoring, and Interruption Behaviors.pdf
Bridging the Gender Gap A Journey of Women and Men in Communicat.pdf
Download Bridging the Gender Gap A Journey of Women and Men in Communicat.pdf
Gender Differences in Communication Styles and their Influence on Workplace Communication and the Practice of Public Relations in the United States Gender Differences in Communication Styles and their Influence on Workplace Communication .pdf
Download Gender Differences in Communication Styles and their Influence on Workplace Communication and the Practice of Public Relations in the United States Gender Differences in Communication Styles and their Influence on Workplace Communication .pdf
Gender Bias Impacts Communication And Leadership.pdf
Download Gender Bias Impacts Communication And Leadership.pdf
Prompt #4: According to Warren Buffett, CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, “Americans are rapidly losing faith in the ability of Congress to deal with our country’s fiscal problems. Only action that is immediate, real, and very substantial will prevent that doubt from morphing into hopelessness”. What practical solutions would you propose to Congress to solve our fiscal problems? Include secondary evidence to support your analysis ONLY from the sources provided below:
Fiscal Policy- Economic Effects.pdf
Download Fiscal Policy- Economic Effects.pdf
How worried should you be about the federal deficit and debt Brookings.pdf
Download How worried should you be about the federal deficit and debt Brookings.pdf
Government shutdown Congress’ history of spending bill delays Pew Research Center.pdf
Download Government shutdown Congress’ history of spending bill delays Pew Research Center.pdf
A Goldilocks Theory of Fiscal Deficits .pdf
Download A Goldilocks Theory of Fiscal Deficits .pdf
“Whatever It Takes”- Government Default Versus Financial Repression∗.pdf
Download “Whatever It Takes”- Government Default Versus Financial Repression∗.pdf
Cite all sources using MLA Format. You can ONLY use the sources provided under your selected research prompt. Your paper must include proper parenthetical citations and a Works Cited page.
Your research paper must be 4-6 full length typed, double-spaced pages, in 12-point font, and in MLA format.
THIS ASSIGNMENT IS IMPORTANT!!! No matter what discipline you are in, you will have to write well-researched papers. Sometimes, you will have to generate your own topics. Other times you may be given a broad topic that you have to narrow and focus for research. You need to get used to finding good sources (not just whatever pops up first in a google search), and figuring out ways to effectively integrate those sources into your own writing. Research papers are the cornerstone of many upper-division and writing intensive courses.
Also, remember that you are REQUIRED to upload this paper to Canvas. Make every effort to produce a well-written, well-researched set of drafts now to reduce the amount of work you have to do later.
Grading Rubric: Rubric-Analytical Research-Paper.pdf


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