CS-3001 Computer Ethics and research methods (Research Project) Objective: The o


CS-3001 Computer Ethics and research methods
(Research Project)
Objective: The o

CS-3001 Computer Ethics and research methods
(Research Project)
Objective: The objective of this project is for students to summarize a published research paper from a peer-reviewed journal/conference.
Students will have to work in a group of exactly TWO (2) persons for this assignment.
Task 1: Background Reading
Each team will need to identify a survey paper from a research area. This is to help you gain an overview of the research area. Students can freely choose any research area as long as it is under Computing domain. Example of research areas: Artificial Intelligence, Computer Graphics, Computer Vision, Data Mining, Image Processing, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Networking, Operation Systems, Robotics, Software, Theory and many more. Please choose one. You can discuss with your instructor.
Task 2: Summarizing Research Papers
Each group will have to summarize ONE unique paper in the SAME selected area of research.
The selected research paper should be relatively recent (published within the last 5 years). To look for the recent papers, please browse to https://scholar.google.com/ (Figure 1). After keying in the research area, click on the left panel to select the publication year (Figure 2). [Advice: First, look for a survey paper. You can type “survey”, and then followed by a research area. Example, type “survey recommender system”. After reading the survey papers, each member further searches for one recent paper (not survey paper anymore) and summarize it.
Figure 1: Google Scholar
Figure 2: Select publication year
2) Ensure the Summary research paper incorporates appropriate writing styles,
grammar, construction of sentences (appropriate use of active/passive voice),
mathematical notations, ethical issues etc. You may refer to the lecture notes for details.
3) You may include necessary citations. All citations in your reference section are to be in
APA format. Below are some sample references. You may also refer to
https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/03… for more details on the APA
[1] Aaker, D. A., (1992). Managing the Most Important Asset: Brand Equity.
Planning Review, 20, 56-58.
[2] Abdullah, M. M., Uli, J., and Tari, J. J. (2008). The Influence of Soft Factors on
Quality Improvement and Performance: Perceptions from Managers. The TQM
Journal, 20(5), 436-452.
Google Scholar webpage does provide citation detail and students can copy the APA citation
directly from the website (Figure 3). Click on this symbol.
The Summary research paper should be prepared using LaTeX or Microsoft Word. You must use Times New Roman, 12-point font, single spacing. The report would typically be about 4 pages in length.
Submission Details: Each team is required to submit the following:
The selected survey paper (for Reading only).
2 selected research papers (not survey paper) one for each student.
The summery reports of the selected research paper one for each student.
presentation is required in class.
Guidelines for Written Report (summery of the research paper)
The summary research paper will contribute 20 marks in this project. Read the selected research paper and write a summary research paper that addresses the following issues:
Problem solved
What is the main research problem addressed in the research paper?
Related workPrior research (Literature review)
Briefly discuss the body of literature that is used to motivate the research. You will need to review some of the key papers referenced by the authors. Identify the shortcomings in the prior literature that the selected paper addresses. Perform a literature search to determine if there are any relevant papers that have not been cited by the authors.
Brierly Describe the methodology (algorithm, model, design, data) used to solve the problem. For empirical work discuss the statistical models used and the sources of data for the study. For theoretical work discuss the models and techniques used.
Claimed Contributions
Summarize the significant results and contributions made by the authors.
Summarize on the overall flow and general contributions of the paper.
Possible extensionFuture work
Identify possible areas in which the research can be extended. Does the paper call for further research on any specific issue? Identify limitations of the paper and formulate them as potential research questions.
Prepare your Summary research paper using LaTeX or Microsoft Word with the
sections provided above, including the following items:
Paper title
References (at the end of the report)
Mark Sheet
Max. Markes
Problem solved
Related workPrior research
Claimed Contributions
Possible extensionFuture work
Proper Formatting ( grammar, …)
Overall Presentation in Class
5 Total 20


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