Instructions and template for TK Learning Plans, Spring 24 Name of Activity Curr


Instructions and template for TK Learning Plans, Spring 24
Name of Activity

Instructions and template for TK Learning Plans, Spring 24
Name of Activity
Curriculum area(s)
Number of children (large group/small group)
Description: Brief description of activity (1-2 sentences).
This should be a short description of the activity. Think about what you would say about the activity in about a minute
Rationale: (what did you observe in this group of children to inspire you to offer this activity?).
Identify why this activity is being offered to the children – are they interested in the topic, why will it be MEANINGFUL to this group of children. ex. I saw Rose and Sebastian discussing the color of a leaf. Rose said it was red, Sebastian said it was orange. I thought it would be interesting for children to experiment with shades and hues of colors
3. CA Preschool Learning foundation, or Creative Curriculum Measure
Decide whether you are going to use the Foundations or Creative Curriculum. If you do not have access to Creative Curriculum, use the Foundations (since they are available for free).
Identify the measure #, and write the actual measure, best suited for the age group you are targeting. This may be directly copied, as you are citing the source. ex. CA preschool Foundations- Visual Art – Notice, Respond and Engage, 1.1. Notice and communicate about objects or forms that appear in art.
4. Preparation/Procedure:
a. Materials needed: list all that you will need, including materials, tools, floor/table covers, etc
b. Space Required: inside or outside? table? floor? small space, large space. c. Set-up required: (draw or describe where items will be placed) Do you need to prepare anything ahead of time?
d. How will you facilitate this activity? Provide step by step instructions as to how you will introduce the concept, help children to meet the objectives, close/summarize and transition
5. Learning Objectives: write 8 objectives – 2 from each of the following domains.
a. Physical: The child will (assessable skill you will teach) when they (identify what the child will do to demonstrate the skill is learned).
b. Cognitive: The child will (assessable skill you will teach) when they (identify what the child will do to demonstrate the skill is learned).
c. Social: The child will (assessable skill you will teach) when they (identify what the child will do to demonstrate the skill is learned.
d. Emotional: The child will (assessable skill you will teach) when they (identify what the child will do to demonstrate the skill is learned.
Learning Objective example: The child will demonstrate new vocabulary when they are playing with foam shapes.
6. Individual Differences: (describe how you would accommodate 2 different learning needs). Children have different needs – how will you accommodate a child who needs to touch everything? How will you accommodate a child who won’t touch sticky? How will you accommodate a child who takes longer to process information? How will you accommodate a child who does not speak the majority language? etc. come up with more on your own. You may NOT put another adult in charge to translate, or help the child. YOU must change the activity or offer different ways to do the activity.
7. Equity filter: what makes this activity appropriate for genders, and all ethnicities?
8. Open ended questions: Write 4 Questions that cannot be answered with one word. (Questions that help the children dig deeper into conversation and language about the activity and learning. These will also help you to assess your objectives, and the measure you are teaching. Think “how”, “What if” “I wonder”…..).( NOTE: these must be questions asked during the activity. Questions like ‘what did you like best about this activity are not allowed.)
Learning plan Template
Name of Activity
Curriculum area(s)
Number of children (large group/small group) (1 pt for all)
1.Description: Brief description of activity (1-2 sentences). (2 pts)
Rationale: (what did you observe to inspire you to offer this activity?) (2 pts)
CA Preschool Learning foundation, or Creative Curriculum: (2 pts) NOTE: Learning Plan will not be graded if this is not here
a. Materials needed: (1 pt)
b. Space Required: (1 pt)
c. Set-up required: (2 pts)
d. How will you facilitate this activity? (2 pts)
5. Learning Objectives: write 8 objectives – 2 from each of these domains. (8 pts)
a. Physical: b. Cognitive:
c. Social:
d. Emotional:
6. Individual Differences: (describe how you would accommodate 2 different learning needs). (2 pts)
7. Equity filter (1 pt):
8. Open ended questions: Write 4 questions that cannot be answered with one word. (2 pts)


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