Special offenders are individuals who pose unique challenges to correctional sup


Special offenders are individuals who pose unique challenges to correctional sup

Special offenders are individuals who pose unique challenges to correctional supervision due to their circumstances, conditions, or behaviors that require management and treatment beyond normal approaches used with offenders. Examples of special populations include individuals with mental illness, substance addictions, elderly, sex offenders, HIV, and transgendered offenders. Yet, according to the textbook author (Seiter, 2025), many of these offenders do not receive the treatment or management required.
Identify two of the special populations of offenders and offer some strategies for how the correctional system can ensure these offenders’ health, safety, and welfare can be met while simultaneously meeting the goals of corrections. Your initial discussion post should be between 2-3 well-developed paragraphs; use the textbook and one additional reference to support your position by including in-text reference citations.
I will upload about a 2-4 pages from the textbook soon in order for you to complete this assignment. I will also provide an example of how my professor expects the citations to look from the textbook when citing evidence as he is requesting the page number as well. As always thank you so much for your help and please let me know if you need anything.


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