Module 3 Discussion 1 What nurses value in their leaders Purpose The purpose of


Module 3 Discussion 1 What nurses value in their leaders Purpose The purpose of

Module 3 Discussion 1 What nurses value in their leaders Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to reflect on specific aspects of leadership and determine what you find the most valuable. The goal is to consider which traits you want to exemplify in your leadership style. Task(s) Complete the What nurses value in their leaders handout. Answer the following discussion forum questions in your main post: Compare your choices with the nurse’s responses. Notice which of their desired traits are listed in the acquired skills section. The one intrinsic quality listed by the national sample was “honest.” Can you think of ways that a leader could improve these skills? How many of your responses were listed in the acquired skills section? What about attitude? Can attitudes be changed? The one intrinsic quality listed by the national sample was “honest.” How would you respond/deal/work with a leader who was not honest? Do you think that national and global leaders are basically honest? Why is it so important that nursing leaders be perceived as honest? Now, consider which of these traits you want to exemplify as a leader. Discuss how you will integrate these traits into your leadership style Grading Criteria This activity is worth 100 points and includes the criteria listed below. Please refer to Discussion Rubric for more details. Criterion 1: Initial post as scheduled (200-400 words) with critical thinking and two references. Remember – Do not quote (if possible) on the discussion board. We want your analytical thoughts after reading the material. Criterion 2: Responded to at least two classmates as scheduled (100 – 200 words) using critical thinking. No additional reference is required. Due Date


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