Select any ONE of the following research papers posted in Classes for analysis a


Select any ONE of the following research papers posted in Classes for analysis a

Select any ONE of the following research papers posted in Classes for analysis and answer the questions below.
Available Research Papers in Classes : 1. Malware -Case study-TCS.pdf
2. Managing-malware-outbreak-Mcafee.pdf
3. Stuxnet and Flame Malware-IIT.pdf
4. Android malware Detector-IntelliAV.pdf
5. Wannacry_Ransomware.pdf
1. Goals and Assumptions :
2. Research Method and Data Collection techniques followed:
3. Contribution and Conclusion: What is the Unique Contribution made by this paper? What conclusion the authors arrived after the study?
4. Potential Future Work: Are there any potential future works stated in the paper? If not, can you recommend one?
5. What do you like the most (or the least) about the paper? Why?
Expected output in HW submission:
Total pages around 3 or 4.
Show additional references docs/links used if any.
Upload your document with the name HW5_”LastName”.pdf by replying to the discussion.


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