Overview Threat modeling is an important process to help identify deficiencies i


Threat modeling is an important process to help identify deficiencies i

Threat modeling is an important process to help identify deficiencies in systems that are meant to keep assets secure. Using a threat model while summarizing the attack provides an industry-vetted model that allows for easy identification of incidents versus threats. Every cyber incident can be depicted in threat modeling scenarios, which provides an industry standard to communicate the characteristics of any threat. Threat modeling is an important practice for cybersecurity analysts because they must compare different forms of threats to identify common characteristics and build the most secure defense against threats. This activity will draw on important fundamentals we have explored previously, like the confidentiality, integrity, and availability (CIA) triad and adversarial mindset.
This activity relates directly to the final project, where you will be required to complete a threat model for your project scenario. Take advantage of feedback on this assignment to prepare you for your final project submission in Module Seven.
Analyze the three breach case studies found in the three articles that are linked in the Reading and Resources section of Module Three of your course. Use this information to fill out the template and address the critical elements listed below.
Threat ModelingTo complete this assignment, first download the Module Three Stepping Stone One Template provided in the What to Submit section. Identify the elements of the threat model by filling in the template for the case studies below.Complete column for Target Breachthoroughly and accurately.
Complete column for Sony Breachthoroughly and accurately.
Complete column for OPM Breachthoroughly and accurately.
Incident Analysis
Select one of the incidents from the table and analyze the following information:Which of the CIA triad is most applicable to the “Action” category of the selected incident? Explain your answer.
How can you use an adversarial mindset in analyzing the “Attackers” and “Objective” to inform the response to the attack?
Imagine you worked for the organization in the chosen incident and had used a threat model proactively. What changes could you have made to the organization to avoid the incident?
Threat Modeling ExtensionDefend the need for performing threat modeling. How would you convince your supervisor that threat modeling is worth the time and resources needed to complete it?Why is threat modeling an important tool for a security practitioner?
What organizational advantages beyond security controls might arise from this threat modeling exercise?
How does threat modeling differ between roles in IT (for example, testers—data mutations; designers—analyzing threats; developers—tracking data flow)?
What to Submit
Use the Module Three Stepping Stone One Template to prepare your submission. Your submission should be 2 to 3 pages in length including the table. Use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. All sources must be cited using APA format.


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