Part 1 This will be a multi project assignment for the writer that takes on this


Part 1
This will be a multi project assignment for the writer that takes on this

Part 1
This will be a multi project assignment for the writer that takes on this initial part.
The Big Picture: Assignment deliverables for your program:
Throughout this class you will design a population health program. There will be three deliverables: Report assignments in Weeks 3 and 5 where you examine specific aspects of the program, and a Final Presentation in Week 7 where you present the final product. I will make specific aspects of the assignments available early so you can do your research over the course of a couple of weeks. This way when the Report assignments are due, you’ll have much of the assignment already completed.
Your population health program:
You will develop a hypothetical program based on actual population health needs.
A big challenge this first week is deciding what to focus on.
Part 1- W1 Program Topic
In the assignment include the following:
What: What is the health problem? This is your bull’s eye that the population health program will be based on.

Who: Identify your target population—the group you will focus on. Include a specific age range, ie elderly, teens 14-18 years old. Is there a racial component? For example, I could be examining the high statistics of low birth weight babies of African American women in my county. This has a specific racial demographic. Some of your programs will be general and not broken down around race, others race may be a dominant factor.

Where: Identify the specific geographical community. This can be a county where your hypothetical program will take place. It could also be a city, and if so, use the name of the city plus the surrounding area, for example, Des Moines IA and surrounding community.

When: How long will you need to run the program to show results? Most programs need to run 2 years to see true progress. (Hint: it is a safe bet to put 2 years)

Who are you: For your hypothetical program, identify your role in the health care community. For example, are you are working at a local hospital or other health service organization, the County Health Department, the State Health Department, a community agency, someone representing the school district, etc. These are just some examples. It is important to visualize that bull’s eye that your program is aiming for, and then from there, identify “who you are.” This will also drive many of your upcoming decisions (ie reaching out to stakeholders and coalition building).
Please use the following as the template for the final submission on Part 1
Population Health Program Topic: Due Sunday
Please complete the Topic assignment right on this document.
Population Health Program Topic
What: (Health problem)
Who: (Target population)
Where: (Specific community)
When: (Program length)
Your role in an organization: (Your role, and specify what kind of organization)
Submitting: Submit the completed assignment to the Assignment link. I always recommend some “tweaks” in the program topic, so watch for my feedback.
Note: Your program topic needs to be formally approved before you move on.


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