Worldview Project consists of: Title, Abstract, Introduction, Historical Backgro


Worldview Project consists of:
Title, Abstract, Introduction, Historical Backgro

Worldview Project consists of:
Title, Abstract, Introduction, Historical Background, Main Part (Body Paragraphs with a Refutation Paragraph}, Conclusion, Works Cited, and Self-Reflection.
Use HEADINGS: Abstract, Introduction, Historical Background, Main Part, Conclusion, Works Cited, and Self-Reflection.
I. Title.
II. Abstract (100-120 words -3-5 sentences.)
Abstract includes:
A. Explanation of the problem you are trying to solve in your essay (one sentence). Borrow this sentence from your Introduction.
B. The thesis statement/claim (your position/solution – one sentence). Borrow your thesis statement from your Introduction.
C. Conclusion (a recommendation/implication – one or two sentences). Borrow one/two sentences from your conclusion.
Abstract should be coherent and readable. Use transitions. Use an active and vigorous syntax.
III. Introduction (150-180 words, 6-7 sentences)
1. write a hook
2. establish and explain the problem you are trying to solve in your project – one sentence
3. discuss the significance; how significant your topic is for the targeted audience – one sentence
4. identify the purpose (are you trying to inform your audience or convince, or to argue?) – one sentence
5. recognize the audience – (who is interested in learning from you about this tipic?) – one sentence.
6. frame the thesis statement/claim (choose a claim of value, a claim of fact, a claim of definition, or a claim of policy).
To construct the sentences, please use the following words: problem, significance, purpose, audience.
III. Historical Background/Literature Review -700 words. Improve your first draft.
IV. Main Part. A Personal Description/Analysis: Total 8 paragraphs: 7 paragraphs where you analyze your worldview, incorporating the epistemological, metaphysical, cosmological, teleological, theological, anthropological, and axiological points of view in your life story. And one Refutation paragraph.
Every body paragraph needs a topic sentence where you must explain what the main idea is and what college students can learn from it.
Frame a clear thesis statement/claim.
Use transitions and end your paragraph with a concluding sentence.
Transitions TRANSITIONS. Updated..pdf
Write 250 words per paragraph. Use your journal entries and outline.
Include a Refutation Paragraph as your last paragraph in “Main Part”.
V. Conclusion. Use the following page to write an effective conclusion. 100 words
In your conclusion, briefly summarize your position (pharaprase your thesis statement). One sentence. Use a transition such as therefore, so, thus, as a result, consequently, hence.
While searching for an exit with proper emphasis and grace, here some suggestions that might spark some good ideas for your conclusion. Write 5-6 sentences (it is mandatory to use 1,3,4, and 8). You can add more sentences, using other idieas from the list:
An evaluation of the importance of the essay’s subject
A statement of the essay’s broader implications
A recommendation or call to action
A warning based on the essay’s thesis
A quotation from an authority or someone whose insight emphasizes the main point
An anecdote or brief example that emphasizes or sum up the point of the essay
A rhetorical question that makes the reader think about the essay’s main point
A forecast based on the essay’s thesis
An ironic twist, witticism, pun, or playful use of words
A proverb, maxim, or motto.
VII. Work Cited. Document all sources you used in your project. Use MLA Format on the Works Cited Page.
VII. Self-Reflection.
This essay must be accompanied by a Self-Reflection, which should be 350-400 words. A Self-Reflection includes the following:
Evaluate yourself as a writer and a critical thinker, providing informal comments on the various stages of the writing process: ideas, thinking, reading, prewriting, writing, revising, editing, and proofreading.
Comments on specific strengths and weaknesses of your paper.
Comments on how the essay reflects your growth as a writer, researcher, and thinker.
Analyze the rethorical strategies you used. (Analyze logical, ethical, and emotional aspects of your writing.)
Text Entry.
Be specific; use the proper nouns for people and location; use concrete details.
Use compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences.
Use transitions.
Avoid using “You”, “We” in all paragraphs.
Use “I” in Body Paragraphs ONLY. Do not use “I’ in other parts of your essay. Do not use “I’ in the thesis statement and topic and concluding sentences.
Avoid using “there is/are, there was/were.”
Avoid using the verb “to be” = am, is, are, was, were, be, being, been (and other linking verbs). Use the action verbs.
Avoid using the Indefinite pronouns: everyone, everybody, nobody, anyone, one, somebody
Avoid using contractions such as don’t, didn’t, isn’t, won’t, let’s, there’s, can’t…..
Avoid repetition! Do not use the words “believe”, “I think” many time.
Criteria for Success
Successful papers will:
introduce the topic, expain what the problem you are trying to solve in your project, and explain what the purpose of the project is;
include a thesis statement and the targeted audience;
support your thesis statetement, clearly, focusing on the analysis of seven scientific approaches supported with your personal examples;
integrate evidence and examples through quoting and paraphrasing, using appropriate documentation in Historical Background;
analyze examples from the articles to support your position;
conclude thoughtfully;
be cohesively structured with effective transitions so that your reader does not get lost while reading;
clearly communicate your ideas for an educated reader and be mostly free of grammatical errors.
self-reflect on your writing, your growth as a writer, researcher, and thinker, anlyzing strengths and weaknesses and the rhetorical strategies (logic, emotions, and ethics) in your paper.


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