Portfolios are a series of tasks or communications compiled into one file. Pleas


Portfolios are a series of tasks or communications compiled into one file. Pleas

Portfolios are a series of tasks or communications compiled into one file. Please complete the following assignments in the exact order listed. Each Microsoft word document should be on a single page to show proper formatting and submitted in ONE document/file. Name the file JonesM-WritingAssignments-Week One [Replace “Jones” with your name and place the initial from your first name immediately following.] Click on title “Week 2 Writing Assignments” to attach your two documents, the Word file with items 1, 2, 3, and 4 AND the PowerPoint. (The PowerPoint should be attached in the same submission.)
This week, you will be asked to put together a series of written communication that focuses on positive messaging for a variety of audiences. You will write a(n)
1. E-mail encouraging employees to be more effective in the correspondence.
2. Memo on the You-Attitude. Share revisions of at least five of the available sentences (listed below) to reflect You-Attitude. Explain why each one does not reflect the You-Attitude, how it can be revised, and why the revision now better reflects the You-Attitude.
3. Series of interview questions to someone in your career field related to writing
4. Professional Philosohphy Statement*
5. PowerPoint presentation on diversity and inclusive language* (Attach this separately in the same submission.)
*These assignments will be revised during later weeks and must be included in the Final e-Portfolio
1. Write an email encouraging employees to follow the basic criteria for effective messaging. (LO 1-5)
As director of communications of a large corporation, you have been tasked with reminding employees about best practices for effective messaging. Lately, there have been complaints about emails being too long, not containing necessary information and sometimes the tone is inappropriate, either condescending or too informal. After reading Chapter 1, write an email to all employees sharing ways to improve their communication skills. Be aware of tone. The goal is to encourage not to reprimand.
2. Create a memo explaining and sharing examples of the You-Attitude. (LO 2-2)
You oversee a customer service team at your company. Craft a memo where you provide insights to your staff on the You-Attitude. Explain the importance of it in your own words. Cite and reference as necessary.
Then, provide examples of the You-Attitude in action. Revise five of the following messages to reflect a You-Attitude emphasis. Eliminate any awkward phrasing. In some cases, you may need to add information to revise the sentence effectively.
Follow this format for each of the five revisions:
• Original Sentence: I have requested that your order is sent out today.
• Why this reflects poor communication: This puts the emphasis on the speaker versus the listener.
• Revised Sentence: You will receive your order by Wednesday.
• Why this is better: This eliminates the speaker as it is not essential to the message. The customer only needs to know when the order is arriving, not who did what to get it there on time.
Select FIVE of the following statements lacking the You-Attitude to revise as you see above:
1. The management provides a generous package of benefits for its employees to enjoy.
2. You will be no doubt be pleased to know that we have decided to give you a refund.
3. Though you seem less qualified than the other candidates, we have decided to offer you the job anyway.
4. This letter has so many typos, I am beginning to regret hiring you.
5. Expect our phone call on or about October 3 to schedule an appointment with our delivery person.
6. We assume even someone of your limited experience can understand the need for discretion in our business.
7. If you do not turn in your timecard punctually, you will not receive your paycheck.
8. I saw the job posting you wrote and quite frankly I’m surprised anyone even bothered to answer it.
9. All of my employees must share my attitude about serving the customer first—anything less will not be tolerated by me.
10. I can’t understand why you complain so much here. It’s as though you don’t really want to work for me.
Build goodwill and close the memo on why the “You-Attitude” is important to your staff.
3. Interview a professional in your field
Interview Questions: Importance of Written Communications in Your Field.
For this assignment, you will explore the importance of written communication in the workplace by interviewing a professional in your field of study. This is NOT a mock interview. You must interview a person that represents a true “professional” to you. You may also ask employer or supervisor, a former professor, a mentor, or someone on your campus so long as this relates to your career. Do NOT interview a family member or your instructor for this class. You may interview the person on the phone, via web conferencing software, via email, or in person.
You must ask a total of FIVE questions including the three listed below and two of your own devising. Include a reflection (250 words) on what you learned from the interview and how it will help you in the future.
Format this assignment as follows:
• Interviewee Name:
• Position:
• Company:
• Question 1: How important is writing and communication in your professional world?
• Response:
• Question 2: What best practices do you use when writing professionally?
• Response:
• Question 3: What are the most common errors you see in tone, language, and email writing?
• Response:
• Question 4: Include Your Question Here
• Response:
• Question 5: Include Your Question Here
• Response:
• Reflection: Remember to include your reflection (250 words) on what you learned from the interview and how it will help you in the future.
4. Create a Professional Philosophy Statement
A Professional Philosophy Statement, sometimes referred to as a work statement. is a valuable document to include with an application or portfolio; it is also helpful preparation for interview questions. This is not a cover letter for a job. This statement will be included as part of your final e-Portfolio. Your Professional Philosophy Statement should be 250-500 words.
As you consider what to include in your statement, keep in mind the things that employers find valuable: organization, resourcefulness, work ethic, creativity, motivation, perseverance, adaptability, strong oral and written communication, and emotional intelligence.
Do not simply detail your work experience; that is what your resume is for. Instead, the Professional Philosophy Statement should encapsulate your personal perspective or approach to work—of any kind. What do you believe in? What do you bring to the workplace? What is unique to you? What will you do to help you, the company, and your colleagues succeed?
5. Prepare a PowerPoint presentation on Diversity and Using Inclusive Language (LO 2-5)
As vice president for human resources, you have been asked to prepare a short presentation (5-7 slides) on diversity and the use of inclusive language. After reading pp 42 – 47 and reviewing the following resources, create a presentation that addresses the recommended inclusive language when addressing race, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, and disability in writing and speech. Include at least 1-2 comparisons of incorrect and correct usage. The presentation should include visuals; be sure they reflect inclusively and contain Alt Text (alternate text for the people with vision impairment).
Inclusive language | 18F Content Guide (us.gov site)
Inclusive Language Guidelines (APA.org) (APA site)


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