Videos 1, 2, & 3: Understanding AT, Using Technologies to Support Diverse Learni


Videos 1, 2, & 3: Understanding AT, Using Technologies to Support Diverse Learning Needs and AT Myths: After watching videos 1,2, & 3 on the module’s video page, reflect on what you watched and post a response that includes the following in a bulleted fashion. Put the prompt. Videos 1 and 2 (Understanding AT, Using Technologies to Support Diverse Learning Needs): Put a heading for each video. Then briefly describe in complete sentences in a bulleted fashion at least 3 things that you learned about AT from each video. Video 3 (AT Myths). There are 5 myths in this video. Put a heading for the video, then name and briefly describe in complete sentences in a bulleted fashion each of the five myths and what is true instead for each myth. video 1- video 2- video 3-


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