Assignment 2: Matching HR Needs and People (10%) Introduction You will now demon


Assignment 2: Matching HR Needs and People (10%)
You will now demon

Assignment 2: Matching HR Needs and People (10%)
You will now demonstrate your knowledge of the concepts and best practices introduced in Module 2, including applying these concepts and best practices to a practical example. Assignment 2 is organized into three parts and will count for 10 per cent of your final course grade. Parts A, B, and C total 100 marks.
Use the all the relevant course material in your answers. Do not use additional resources unless you are specifically asked to do so in the instructions.
For the purpose of this assignment, do not use direct quotes. Take what you are learning in the textbook and reword them in your own words (i.e., paraphrase). This will help you learn the course material and it will demonstrate that you understand it. Points will be removed if you use direct quotes and if you use other sources if the material is found in the textbook or modules.
The mark distribution is as follows:
Part A: Defining the Role of Job Analyses
Part B: Developing a Job Description
Part C: Labour Market Assessment
Part A: Defining the Role of Job Analyses (30 marks)
First read Chapter 3 in your textbook, paying particular attention to the sections on job analysis. Using the course material answer the following question:
Job analysis plays an important role in human resources processes. Using the course material as your source, write a report of approximately 250–300 words that defines job analysis, and explains how it is used for compensation, recruitment, selection, and performance management.
Compare and contrast a job analysis and a job description (maximum 100 words)
Part B: Developing a Job Description (30 marks)
Use the sample job descriptions and details on job specifications from Chapter 3 in your textbook as a guide to define the format and structure of a job description.
Watch this video on The Life of a Gas Station Attendant from KEZI 9, which considers an often-overlooked perspective.
Develop a job description for the gas station attendant. Note the job specifications, or qualifications as they are commonly called, make up part of the job description. Using the job analysis gathered in Part A, include a job summary and listing of skills and abilities required, as well as the specifications or technical requirements needed to do the work. Be sure to assess the competencies or qualities that are required. This may include any both physical abilities and soft skills that are required to do the job.
Part C: Labour Market Assessment (40 marks)
Write a two-page report, approximately 500 words, conducting a labour market assessment for the position you described in Part B. This analysis must use the best practices method from the course material. Make sure you follow the process outlined in your textbook. This includes:
Assessing the demand for labour, including a review of the economic conditions, legal issues, social concerns, technological issues, or demographic trends
Assessing the supply for labour, including the availability of others to do the work, replacement strategies, or workforce factors
Determine whether there is an equilibrium, surplus, or deficit and explain why you believe this to be the case
Based on your assessment, make a recommendation to the owner of the gas station about how the employer should address their labour composition.
Completion Guidelines
Submit your assignment through this submission tool. Be sure to save your assignment as a Word document, and name it according to the following format:
A2_HRMN2821_Last name
Please save as one .docx file.
Did you put your name and student number on the document?
Did you complete all the required elements and clearly label the parts?
Did you use information and terminology learned in this module?
Did you support your statements with specific examples?
Did you cite references, including your textbook, using correct APA referencing format?
Did you ensure that there are no spelling mistakes?
Is your report grammatically correct, clear, and well organized?


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